Increase your investor network to get funded

Secure venture capital funding for your business and increase your chances for long term growth

Get started for free!

No credit card needed, free trial with limited Investors.


Find the right investors and manage your relationship

Reduce the time and effort required to find the right investors and start building relationships with them

Investor Discovery

Find potential investors from all parts of the globe

Manage Relationships

Connect and interact with VCs and angel investors


Access real-time investor data and insights


Get recommended investors unique to your profile

Business Growth

Over 80% of the most valuable companies in the world are backed by venture capital

Securing venture capital funding for your business will increase your chances for long term growth.

Built by GetFundedAfrica

GetFundedAfrica has helped hundreds of African startups raise over $400m in venture capital.

Start your journeny

Get up to 2,000 recommended Global Investors

Leverage our AI to get the right recommendated investors which may be the different between successfull and non successful fundraising


          Raised by
          our startup


African focus Investors in our database


Investor connection success rate

How it works?

Three Simple Steps.

Register in 10 seconds

Select your plan (Free or Premium) and answer the questions to be used by our AI to make investors recommendations for you

Customised Dashboards

Check your email and use the details to sign in to your customised dashboard where you will find your recommeded investors

Investors CRM

Keep track of your recommended investors and track engagement as you develop relationships with your investors

Success Stories

We have worked with many startups and helped them achieve their fundraising goals. From pre-seed, seed stage, series A, series B to pre-IPO, the app along with the customized fundraising CRM makes fundraising more efficient and faster.

Trusted by our Investors partners


  • What is the Fundraiser CRM app?

    The Fundraiser CRM app is a powerful tool designed to help entrepreneurs and businesses connect with potential investors. Leveraging AI, it recommends investors that are likely to invest in your business as well as the best ways to reach the investors.

  • How does the Fundraiser CRM app work?

    The app utilizes advanced algorithms and data mining techniques to compile a vast collection of investor profiles that match with your funding needs.

  • Who can benefit from using the Fundraiser CRM app?

    The app is primarily designed for entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses seeking funding for their projects. Whether you are a small-scale startup or an established business looking for growth capital, the Fundraiser CRM app can help you identify and connect with investors who align with your business goals.

  • Is the Fundraiser CRM app free?

    There is a free version but it has limited number of investors you can access. The paid version provides you with recommendations, a CRM and powerful insights.

  • What kind of investors are listed in the app?

    The app includes a diverse range of investors, including angel investors, venture capitalists, private equity firms, and institutional investors. These investors have varying investment preferences, sector interests, and geographical focuses. The app provides detailed profiles that highlight their investment history, areas of expertise, and funding criteria.

  • How much can I raise through the app? 

    There is no limit on the amount of funds you can raise through the Fundraiser CRM. The important thing is to have an investor-ready business and a pitch deck that shares your business idea.

  • Is there a guarantee that I will secure funding by using the app? 

    The Fundraiser CRM app is a valuable tool for identifying potential investors, but it does not guarantee funding. The app facilitates the connection between entrepreneurs and investors, but the success of securing funding depends on various factors, including the quality of the project, alignment with investors' interests, and the effectiveness of the pitch or proposal.

  • How long does fundraising take? 

    Every fundraising project is different. Generally, relationship building and fundraising for each round takes between 6 months-18 months.

Have any questions?
Get in Touch.

We will love to talk to you and anwer your question and do a demo of "how it works"

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